Saturday, March 15, 2008


A few weeks ago we let Gavin and Ellie watch our wedding video. It was fun to see and the kids got a kick out of it. Tonight Frank is going to an old friend's wedding. I am staying with the kiddo's since it's hard to leave a baby that is pretty much attached to me at all times right now. Anyway, today Frank and Gavin had a cute conversation....

Gavin: Where are you going Daddy?
Frank: To a wedding
Gavin: Are you going to pull your pants down? (On our wedding video the photographer had all the groomsmen pull down their pants and take a picture in their boxers...just being silly)
Frank: Not sure...LOL
Gavin: So, after tonight we're going to have two mommies??
Frank: LOL- No it's someone else wedding buddy..

I am sure Gavin sometimes wishes he could have another Mommy. He thought because Frank was going to a wedding tonight he was going to marry someone else. And thanks to our photographer and our wedding video he also apparently assumes it is somewhat normal for guys to drop their pants at weddings.
It is so cute to see how they think- and makes me realize even though he seems so big to me at times, he is still my little boy with a lot to learn.


Bethany said...

Haha, that is hilarious! What a cute story!

Lindsay said...

That story is so great. I was laughing out loud. Love it!