Saturday, June 23, 2012


We took a Safari tour of the main island of Bora, Bora. It was awesome. A bit of a bumpy ride but awesome. For 3.5 hours we drove up and down the Mountains on the main island with the most breath taking views and learning all about the history and culture of the Island.

Here we are with our Jeep...

It was a little bumpy (a lot bumpy) it was hard to get a good picture while we were driving- but we sat in the back of this Land Rover Jeep taking in Bora, Bora...

The views...look at this view...

This is Frank and Frank. Frank was our tour guide and he was awesome. He was hilarious, full of jokes and very knowledgeable about the island since he was born there. He said next time we come to Bora, Bora we can stay at his house with him. :)

Here is a picture of our resort from the main island of Bora Bora. Our resort is on a Motu off the island. We had to take a boat ride over to the main island to do the Safari.

Frank, our guide,  stopped at a locals house to let us have fresh picked grapefruit and to play us a few songs. He was awesome. And the place was amazing...filled with fruit, vegetable gardens, and trees. And there were a lot of bonsai's. Pepa would have been in Heaven. I told Frank my family plays the guitar so he went out and got one and came back to play us a few tunes. I sang with him an Eagles song on this little porch. Turns out Frank was a rock star when he was younger and travelled around different islands singing. :)

Here is the house we stopped at...

A cannon from WWII. The Americans had many bunkers on the island. Frank (our guide) thought that Bora Bora should be American instead of French because they were there first. The Polynesians are so thankful for all that the Americans did for them while they were on their island. Especially for medicine and protection. At one time there were 22,000 people living on the island and then the Flu came and only 2,000 survived. The Americans brought medicine to Bora Bora. Now there are 8,000 people living in Bora, Bora.

These are Bobs. Don't touch any "Bob's" on the island or else you will get pregnant...or so they say anyway....

But since Frank had a little procedure...we were in the clear and I could touch Bob...

After our tour we walked along the beach of the main island while we waited for our Boat to take us back to our resort. I always take this picture in the ocean whenever we travel.

The Safari was awesome!!!

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