Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Parties and Church

Last week was busy but fun. We had all three kids Christmas parties at school. They all were so giddy with excitement on their party day. I was lucky enough to be able to make it to all three. Thankfully they were all at separate times. Gavin's had a bunch of different crafts to do and a book exchange, Ellie's class did gingerbread cookie decorating and a book exchange, and Hadley's class just had an eating cookies party, which she thoroughly enjoyed (until I tried to get a picture with her and her teachers and she thought I was leaving her).
We also had a fun, busy weekend. We did some last minute shopping, a lot of eating, and then yesterday the kids sang on stage at church. After church we went to lunch and then came home to make Christmas cookies. After some cookie making fun, the kids played outside for awhile until it was time for our "Christmas Eve" service at church. Since our church meets in a school we had to have our service early. It was awesome. Gavin came to big church with us and was so cute. He was holding our hands and at one point put his arm around me. Kind of caught me off guard as because I was in heels and he is my little man, he was patting my bottom. LOL. Then when the band was singing he put his hands up in the air to worship. It was so cute. After a great service we came home and the kids did tent city with Daddy. I tried to snuggle Hadley in bed but she wasn't having it, she was too excited to be in my bed to sleep. She kept belting out in songs, and then would giggle. She was so cute, but as 9:30 approached I figured it was time for her to get into her own bed. So we ended up in separate beds. It was a fun weekend though. I can't hardly believe that Christmas is four days away!!


Kristyn said...

OH i loved their performance!!!! Gavin was hilarious! He's such a little man! I'm glad that they had a great Christmas week full of partying! Your kids get cuter and cuter every day :) I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas!!!

Emily said...

Too funny! Gavin and your hiney crack me up. He looked so cute yesterday! And he and Ellie both did great!