He was not scared at all the first day, only Mommy cried. I was able to hold it together until I walked out of the classroom, but then the tears started flowing. Luckily for sunglasses on the way out, I don't think too many people noticed.
He thinks he is THE MAN now. He was begging me to ride the bus and after a few days of battling the car line for 25 minutes and Hadley NOT napping, I decided he could give it a try with the other neighborhood Kindergartners. He was stoked. I was a little sad though when he seemed embarrassed to give me a kiss before getting on. What? Already?? Whaaa.

But he did great, loved the bus. His only complaint was that his teacher does car rider duty and he missed seeing her at the end of the day when he rode the bus. So he wants to switch it up a bit and be a car rider every now and again. He is also very eager to ride his bike to school. One day when my sleepy head Hadley decides to wake up early, we will give that a go. As for now, he is eager to get homework, makes sure we read every night and log it, and anxious to tell us all about his day. We hear the run down of everything, even the stories they read in class word for word (or as close as he can remember it). The kid LOVES school. That has always been my wish for my kids, and I am so happy he loves it. I hope he always will. My little man is growing up. Please time...slowwwwww down.
awww, your boy is growin' up! He is so sweet. He'll be treating a wife very nice someday! PS cute girl he's with-good taste Gav!
Too cute! Funny...but my Gavin is also in his class with a Lily (claire) who he has known since birth. Parallel universe, I tell you. I am also considering the bus, but still a little scared. I will get there. :)
What an exciting year it is going to be! I cant believe they are in Kinder.Watch out world.
they look so OLD! SO glad you are here where you belong for the BIG DAY!
Good grief, I can't believe how much trouble you are having getting moved. God must have some really big things for you all at a very specific time! We will be praying for you.
Is Gavin at Buckalew? That is where I taught before Addison was born. I love that place!!! I would pack my bags in a heartbeat to have Addison go there next year. It is so familiar and comfortable. This is the only place we have lived where I didn't teach, so I feel like I am sending her off to the unknown next year.
Are you back to having your house on the market? I feel your pain....hopefully it won't last long.
So...I am so glad they are in class with each other and are making so many memories together. Fun, fun!!!
Is this better? HaHa!!!! :)
What a sweet little guy you have Lacey! Gavin is just precious. I am glad he is enjoying school, but I know you must miss him terribly.
He is such a cute boy! I hope Hank grows up to be half that cute! :) Glad he likes school.
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