Friday, June 19, 2009


The kids had a FUN week of VBS. They do VBS at this same church every year and I must say this year was the best so far. It helped that we had told a lot of our friends about it and many of them came, so it was a giant play date all week.
Gavin has become quite the little prayer in our family. He usually recites the same few prayers at dinner and bedtime and now he is having long drawn out talks with God. It is so cute to hear his prayers and what is in his heart. And Ellie keeps asking about Heaven. She wants to know what it's like and how we get there. I love watching my kids grow and learn- especially spiritually.

1 comment:

Honeyman 4 said...

I agree! We taught music at VBS this week and it was awesome to see little seeds of Truth planted and growing in others. Just awesome!
Super cute pic of T's girl!