Sunday, February 01, 2009

25 Random Things About Me
I have had several people tag me and I think it is pretty neat to read about everyone, so here it goes....25 RANDOM things about me:

1. I have a major addiction to Starbucks...I swear it really does help me get things is helping me think of 25 random things to write right now. ;)

2. I kept my maiden name as my middle name when I got married and passed my middle onto my daughter Elizabeth lives on.

3. I am married to the most amazing man who makes me laugh every day and I can honestly say we hardly ever fight. I am a lucky girl.

4. I am addicted to Gymboree. It is a stress reliever for me to shop there. I wish I had as many cute clothes as my kids do.

5. I can remember coming home from Kindergarten and eating lunch while my mom watched Young and the Restless... and I still watch it to this day (after the kids are in bed-yes frank watches it too).....that's what...25 years?

6. I hate to clean but hate a messy house...makes me feel out of whack.

7. I tivo everything we watch and can not stand to watch something without tivo as commercials feel like a waste of time now.

8. I love designer jeans (they really do fit better) and could wear them everyday.

9. In the last six years I have only had three months where I haven't been pregnant or nursing.

10. I have been pregnant 8 times but only have three kids.

11. Hadley was a twin and is a miracle. I had all the nurses crying when they realized she was going to make it. And my doctor thanked me for allowing him to witness a miracle. (Read my very first post on this blog for that story).

12. I was born and raised here and have only moved away for college when I went to Texas A&M.

13. I am a 2% and could care less about Aggie Football. I can't stand that you have to stand the entire game...and I NEVER wear my Aggie ring.

14. I love watching my kids learn new things, but hate that they are growing up way too quickly.

15. I love to read although I don't get to do it as often as I'd like. I am a big chick lit girl.

16. I have read half of the one year bible and hope to read the entire thing someday.

17. I have a new found passion for running. I hate it while I'm doing it but feel so proud of myself when I am done. The 1/2 marathon was a big accomplishment for me.

18. I have a leaky valve in my heart that causes me to have heart arrhythmias that sometimes can be scary.

19. I have a scar on my forehead from a basal cell skin cancer.....which leads me to the next one..

20. I love the sun and love to be tan...but am finding myself feeling guilty these days if I don't wear sunscreen.

21. I write letters to my kids just in case something ever happens to me...I want them to know how much I love them.

22. I am pretty crafty and love to cook. I definitely got this from my mom...

23. I love Gavin's DS and when he is in bed I sometimes play Super Mario Bros. on it while he sleeps.

24. I am pretty competitive at games and hate to loose.

25. I am a talker, pretty social, and I tend to over commit myself. But I feel very lucky to have all the wonderful friends and family that I do and I love you all!! I am definitely blessed!


The Guess Family said...

Fun to read your random facts....if there were a Super Mario Bros in my house, I might never get anything done again!!!

Yikes about little Miss Ellie and her trip to the park. That is exactly how my Reagan is/will be. She doesn't "need" anyone to help her do what she wants and she wouldn't think twice about running off somewhere alone....scares me to death!!!

Courtney said...

OK, are you writing about me or you? LOL!

parsonsfamily said...

we do have a lot in common! I was nodding right along with you on almost half of those.....but not the running one. Dangit, I wish I could be one. That half marathon is a HUGE accomplishment!

Unknown said...

Loved it :)

Our Life Together said...

So fun to read! I still watch Y & R too and I blame it on my mom because she watched it when I was little.

amanda said...

oooh. i miss my Y&R...haven't been able to watch it in over a year b/c of my tv-obsessed little one (a bit inappropriate for her sweet eyes and she doesn't take her eyes off the tv if it's on). you'll have to catch me up on it... ;)

and thanks for the sweet are much, much too kind!!

and clara was wondering when ellie's free for a playdate...have her check her social calendar and get back with us! ;)

ashley said...

Thanks for sharing!

Amie said...

Delurking (came from Amanda's page) to say that I went back and read your first post and ohmygoodness what a miracle you have!! Your children are adorable!!

Bethany said...

So fun! I have loved reading these about everyone- its such a neat way to get to know people better! That is hilarious about the lion, haha! I guess I'd be doing that too if I had all day in this gorgeous weather! :)