Thursday, December 04, 2008


Yep...she did it...Ms. Hadley took her first steps last night. Watch out world...Here she comes!!


ChrissyK said...

NO WAY!!! Wow. You have a miss little independent on your hands. Caitlyn didnt WANT to walk til she was 15 months. WOW.

Lacey said...

Well....she just took three steps...not quite walking yet. She is little Miss Independent though- just like her big sissy. I was told she took her "real" first steps on Thanksgiving...but I didn't see it..last night was the first I saw her. We videoed it but I recorded it to a ram DVD and my computer stinks and won't play it for me to download onto here. Grrr...

Kristyn said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!! I can't believe that she took steps!!

sarah watson said...

Can't believe that!!