Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Christmas Kind of Weekend..

Yesterday after running 14.86 miles (Go Me), I came home to get ready for a day we have been excited for, for a long time. Our church adopted some kids in Tamina and threw a party for them yesterday. It was more than AWESOME. We have been talking to our kids a lot about how not everyone has everything they do. It was so nice for them to meet the kids we bought gifts for and watch them get so excited over their presents. So gracious, so kind, so adorable. One of our little boys we adopted came up to us not knowing we were the one's who adopted him. He was playing with Hadley, rubbing her cheeks and making her laugh. Then he grabbed Ellie's hand and they walked around the Tamina community center looking at all the presents under the tree. When we realized that was "our" little boy we were so excited. Frank and I both agreed, we could have taken him home with us. He was precious. I took lots of pictures, but don't think I should post them on here except maybe one that doesn't show his face or name. But, it was such an awesome day that we will cherish forever. Our church does a lot for the Tamina Community. Our pastor has a big heart for them and it has been fun doing things with them this past year, but especially yesterday.

Then this morning at church Ellie and Gavin got to sing on stage at the end of the service and it was precious. Ellie ran out of line into the audience to give Frank, Pepa, Mema, and Nanny a GREAT BIG HUG. She was so excited to be performing for us. Gavin on the other hand was yawning, looking up, and blowing his cheeks like a blowfish in between singing bits and pieces. He said he was "embarrassed." But it was adorable watching them get up on stage and sing songs to our God. Here are a few pictures from them this morning:
And tonight we will end our festive weekend with a Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve service. Since we meet at a school, we have to do our service tonight, but we are REALLY looking forward to it. What a wonderful weekend spent experiencing the true meaning of Christmas and really focusing on what Christmas is all about.


sarah watson said...

what an awesome Christmas weekend for your family and for your children to remember...I hope I will be able to instill the same things...congrats on the run! I'm really impressed!!!

Honeyman 4 said...

Yes...we are Dynegy (along with the Parsons) and do live over here.
Very small world. :)
What a great Christmas eve...

Tayton said...

Love all the new pic's and stories. I can't get enough of the christmas outfits this year. They'll have to get dressed up so I can snap a photo with them. So cute! Counting down the days to see you guys! :)

Kristyn said...

I love the kids pictures!! I'm glad that giving to the Tamina kids meant so much to you guys too. Our kid told Mike Richey that "getting the legos changed his life forever!" I can't believe that something so small to me can mean something so big to him. When Jason told us that at church I lost it completely. I hope you guys have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Audrey said...

The neighborhood is Prestonwood Forest for the great lights. Kinda hit or miss which streets are best. Have fun!

Lindsay said...

That is awesome! Love it, love it, love it. We are doing something similar with the girls for Christmas and it feels so great to teach them the "true" meaning of the season.

Toni said...

What an awesome way to show your kids the true meaning of Christmas! The kids look so cute in their Christmas outfits!! Adorable family!!

Jess Richey said...

The Christmas party is Tamina was so great! I am glad your kiddos had fun and made friends! Too cute! Great pictures!

Between the Dreaming said...

Waiting on fun Christmas pics!!!!!

Between the Dreaming said...

still waiting chick.......