I always call it
Destin, but really we stay past
Destin and play in Seaside. We just got home from another amazing trip to Florida. We LOVE Florida. We always wish we had another week when we leave. It went by too fast. This year we went with the
Dale Family and like usual, we had a blast.
We left at 4am on Saturday morning....
The kids did NOT go back to sleep...but we made it to Destin right at 2pm. What can I say..I am married to a wanna be race car driver.
We pulled into the same house we rented last year that is right on the ocean.
It has windows all across the top and bottom floor...always a fantastic view. And I love sleeping to the sound of the ocean.
Here is the view from our back porch:
It is Heaven on Earth. Too us anyway.
Here are a few (or a lot of) pictures of what we did all week...
We got dressed for dinner every night. We ate WELL....
Can't go to Seaside and not get Frost Bite Snow Cones....
And you have to run around Seaside Park.
The girls met a new friend on the Beach. Emma
Lael. Ellie has still not stopped talking about her. Her mom has a
blog and I am now following it. Their family is amazing and I loved talking to her mom who adopted Emma
Lael from China this last year.
We ate Ice Cream...
And had more than a few of these...
Got Buried...and then requested some shade...
Looked for fish and sea creatures to catch in our nets.
Played Cards most nights. We taught the Dales how to play 31...pretty sure they are addicted.
Loved on this little guy who we cracked jokes about all weekend because he is seriously the best baby on the planet. Frank kept telling him to stop being so loud. Half the trip we forgot he was with us. But when he was around, he was all smiles.... We loved snuggling a little baby again.
Boogie boarding and tubing the ocean...
Kayaking. We would go out FAR. WE would go to the DARK blue and watch the 4 foot sharks and sting rays swim under us. It was awesome. I wish I had a picture of when I practically forced Allison out. She was making excuses for us to go back in left and right. I thought she'd be happy to face her fears...but no. Sorry Allison!!
More playing in the sand. More relaxing. More loving Florida. It was just FABULOUS!!!
And a road trip wouldn't be complete without this scene. Yes, I am standing out of the sunroof taking the picture. After 11 hours in the car...30 minutes from home we get pulled over. Welcome home and hello defensive driving.
It was a wonderful trip. Family beach pictures to come.....