Friday, April 29, 2011

SonKids Program

The girls had their end of the year program last night. It was cuter than ever. Hadley and Ellie sang their little hearts out, and did all the motions. They were so excited to perform for us and it showed. I love their school and am so thankful that 7 years ago I was told about it. I can't believe I will only have one baby there next year and two official graduates.

So Hadley, our little singer. She shouted the songs and was very theatrical with her motions and facial expressions. I was laughing so hard the whole time. It was so cute. She sang (shouted) 5 little Monkeys and Little Me...and knew EVERY WORD!
She was VERY into it....this is her "Teasing Mr. Alligator, Can't catch me..."

Ellie being the big kid of the school was so excited because they got to lead the United States Pledge, Texas Pledge, and Bible Pledge. Then they did a hand bell performance and then sang two praise and worship songs, How Great is our God and He's My Best Friend.
When she gets nervous....she talks....
Playing the Bells.
"How Great is our God..."
A little Praise and worship Hoedown...
"He's the Alpha and Omega...."

One of my favorite nights every year!!! And always a reminder of how happy and lucky I feel to be where we are.

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