Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mary and Gavin's Christmas Party

Today was the much anticipated day that Ellie got to be Mary in her class Christmas Program. The kids all did so well. They were beyond adorable and I got really teary eyed watching them. Ellie came in holding baby Jesus and put him in the manger. When it was time for her to do her lines, she just got really embarrassed and started laughing. And laughing. And everyone else started laughing. Then she remembered her lines that she has known for months and zipped through them. Afterwards they had a yummy reception and then E got to come home from school early with me. :)

Then it was time for Gavin's class party. We decorated cookies and they had a book exchange. And then he too got to come home early. :)

Happy Day! Happy Day!! Tomorrow Ellie's Class Party and then it's Christmas Break!! I still can't believe Christmas is almost here!

3 comments: said...

So using that at E and T's wedding! Ha! Love that pic.

Courtney said...

What a cute little Mary!

MKHKKH said...

She is the cutest Mary! What special memories you will have!!!