Friday, June 18, 2010

VBS 2010

This past week the kids went to VBS and had a BLAST. It is always a great way for them to start their summer. The VBS is at the church where Frank and I got married. We have been going to this VBS since Gavin was able to and have since invited all of our friends over the years, who have invited their friends. And every year there are more and more friends. It's a big ol' party. It is such fun week for the kids and they really learn a lot. They come home telling me the stories and lessons they've learned. I love it.

Each day of the week they had a color to wear, and one of the days it was yellow backwards day. Ellie was very insistent that I do her hair backwards. The only thing I could think to do was a backwards french braid. It turned out hilarious, but she LOVED it.

Here are all three of them before we left that day:
Gotta love Hadley's face. :) Next year she will be a little more excited because she will get to go!!


Courtney said...

How did you do that Lacey?!?! One talented Mama!

ChrissyK said...

That is way toooooooo funny. I would have never thought to do the hair backwards. She should have gotten an award for being so creative.

MKHKKH said...

Love the hair! We look forward to VBS every year here too!