Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Oh, how I love this time of year. The weather is PERFECT. We've been outside a whole lot.

The flowers are starting to bloom. The world is starting to get colorful again.

Last weekend I made hanging baskets for the backyard with these. I love the colors.

It is also starting to get warm enough to where we don't have to really heat the pool to get in. Pool season has officially begun.

Tippy is even enjoying the weather.

The only downfall with Spring is the allergies it brings. We've all had the sniffles this week. Along with headaches, and Hads and ear infection.

But it's hard to complain too much when it's so beautiful outside. Hopefully this weather will last awhile and the summer heat won't be too eager to get here.


parsonsfamily said...

I totally agree with you! I am loving this weather and am in no hurry for the heat of summer. I love that you guys already broke in the pool!

Courtney said...

Spring? What's spring? I bet your backyard looks great! And a good picture of Tippy too. Aren't dogs so photogenic?