So we came home from the pumpkin patch and G and E picked out their designs for their pumpkins. They were very excited for us to carve them. We went to our neighbors and started to carve together.
Gavins was easy, I was able to carve the ghost no problem. But as Frank was trying to get the top off Ellie's he realized we had a problem. It was most likely the hardest pumpkin
anyone has ever
delt with. We couldn't poke holes in it with a nail. The thing was like cement (guess that's what you get when you get the last pumpkin in the patch). I was not going to disappoint my little Ellie though who wanted a cat, so I sent Frank home to get the electric drill...but then my neighbor Rob said "how about my electric saw?" I had never used one, but sure taught myself pretty quickly and was able to get Ellie the cat she wanted. Oh the things we do for our kids.
Pumpkin was flying everywhere like sawdust, and when I looked up, my neighbor was videoing me. Guess I looked kinda funny. For those of you who are already know this because he kindly posted the video on
facebook a few short hours later.

Then it was time for dress up fun and trick or treating. We live in
today's Mayberry and our neighborhood is awesome. Every porch is decorated and a slew of people come from all around to trick or treat in our hood. My parents come every year to see the kids and hand out candy for us while we take the kids door to door. They gave out 6 large bags of candy and I swear we came home with more than we gave out. Even Hadley loved going up to the doors and saying trick or treat. She kept hanging around each house hoping they'd give her more. We had plans to hang out with the neighbors and they had a big
fire pit and everyone brought food, and we hung out pretty late. It was a fun night. And as usual...Frank and I dressed up in our ghetto gear. He was covered in
tattoos and I had my big Anna Nicole wig on. Fun times, Fun times...

WOW, can't get over how much Hadley looks like your mom. Lexie had a blast trick or treating with y'all.
You are die hard, Lace! And a lot more brave than I am. Looks like a lot of fun!
That is hilarious about the pumpkin. Looks like you had fun!
JEALOUS! Our neigborhood barely had any little kids! :(
Whooo, easy with the power tools! Looks like fun!!
You with drill is awesome! Nobody going to stop this mama! LOL You rock! I don't know that I would have gone that far. The kids look so cute. Max has the same biker outfit!
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