Hadley Faith Morgan you need to stop getting so big on me. It kills me!! I can't believe my baby is already three months old. She is just the sweetest little thing and we are so in love with her. It is hard to remember what life was like without her as part of our family. She is such an easy, laid back little girl who only cries when she is hungry or tired. She still has yet to sleep in her own bed and loves to snuggle Mommy every night. She puts one arm and one leg over me, it is just precious. I think it would be hard for me to sleep without her just as much as it's hard for her to sleep without me. She is so alert now and so smiley. She loves it when we talk to her and she loves to talk back with lots of coos. She loves to look at herself in the mirror. When I am getting ready in the mornings I put her bumbo in front of the bathroom mirror and she just smiles and talks to herself. I can't help but sing to her, "You're so vain...you probably think this song is about you..." She loves Gavin and Ellie and will usually stop crying as soon as she hears their voice. She follows things with her eyes and is starting to grab at things. She loves her play mat in short spurts and still loves to sleep in her swing and car seat when not in our arms. She is just a joy and such a blessing. Frank and I couldn't be more smitten with this little bundle of love. It just kills me that it is all going by so fast. I wish I could just hit a pause button and they'd all stay little forever. I packed away all her 0-3 month clothes two days ago and I must admit I was a little teary eyed as I put away the clothes not knowing if we'd ever be dressing a baby that little again. We love you little Faithy!! Happy three months!
She is just the cutest thing ever!! I know, they do grow so fast. I am going to have to have another so that I can get my baby back. :) I measured Jayce and he's about 25-26 inches or so. CRAZY!!!
i really see some ellie in there now!!! she's just adorable...i agree, she's growing way too fast!!
She is getting so big! She is so adorable, I want to kiss those cheeks! We love watching you grow!
Such a beautiful baby girl! You are blessed!!!
Came by for a visit..they do grow up fast..too fast! I have five and I cannot believe my baby will be three in August..*sniffle*
Oh my gosh!! She's starting to look more like Ellie. So cute!!!
She is so beautiful Lace. I can see so much of G in her. I can't wait for Hank to be that big and strong!
She is just the cutest thing ever!! I know, they do grow so fast. I am going to have to have another so that I can get my baby back. :) I measured Jayce and he's about 25-26 inches or so. CRAZY!!!
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