The night before Frank's 37th birthday I found an old file with old pictures in it. Some of the pictures just happened to be from his 27th birthday. TEN YEARS AGO. The picture below was the first birthday I spent with him and we were newly engaged. Time sure has flown by. We have had many changes, and have been through a whole lot in ten years. Look at us...we were babies and had NO idea what this world had in store for us.
Ten Years later and here we are married, with three kids who are 3, 6 and 8. CRAZY how fast time flies.
Frank woke up to a special banner the kids and I had made him.....
He opened presents...
And then we went to his FAVORITE PLACE ON EARTH.....(not really but it comes close)......
And we had a
DISGUSTINGLY HUGE breakfast.....
Then our family all came over for some cake. I usually make our cakes, but he has had the same lady make his cake for the last 31 or so I couldn't break the tradition. Nielson's baked his white with raspberry cake....
And he made a wish....
And took pictures and opened more presents....

The theme for his birthday this year was beach stuff....we are finally marking off the top of our Bucket List this year.... More to come on that later.....

We ended the night with dinner with our favorite neighbors...the Gibsons. They gave Frank some really funny gifts and they seem to always be a part of every was only fitting we eat with them at Frank's second favorite place... Lupe Tortillas. The staff sang to him, and fed him whipped was a fun ol' time.
I'd say he had a pretty fantastic 37th birthday. :) Oh how thankful I am that he was born 37 years ago and how blessed I am because of him.
We love you Frank!!!